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isabel allende中文是什么意思

用"isabel allende"造句"isabel allende"怎么读"isabel allende" in a sentence


  • 阿言得
  • 伊莎阿言德
  • 作家伊莎贝尔-艾伦德


  • Director david seltzer , however , spotted her and cast her in lucas 1986 . when telephoned to ask how she d like to have her name appear on the credits , she suggested ryder as her father s mitch ryder album was playing the background
    即使是失败的影片,如1993年根据伊莎贝尔-阿连德isabel allende的回忆录改编的影片灵屋the house of spirits ,薇诺娜的美好形象也吸引了众多忠实的观众前往影院捧场。
用"isabel allende"造句  
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